Back to Events & Publications Published: 2023 July 24 just got even smarter with AI

New natural language processing capabilities coming this August will greatly expand the value provides for busy teams and managers. 

The new meeting notes summarization tool picks out the highlights from meeting notes for quick digestion; this helps eliminate redundancies sometimes found in note created “in the moment” by many contributors. Summarization expands the power of collective team-sourcing and speeds review by managers. 

The action item identification tool, scans natural language text of meeting notes, identifies probable action items and assignments, then presents these as suggestions for verification by the team. For each verified action, alerts action item leads of the new action, and includes links to the meeting during which the action item was created. This automated handling helps assure that teammates are aware of the creation and context of action items even if they did not participate in the originating meeting — this is another way helps teams confidently get things DONE. 

These new natural language processing capabilities augment other PMD Intelligence features such as agenda items suggestions and team productivity reporting which have long been unique, distinguishing features of

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